
Salisbury University students on campus

Current undergraduate degree seeking students must meet with their advisors to register during Program Planning (pre-registration) and can change their schedules during the Open Enrollment period.

Returning students who were previously admitted as Degree Seeking and have missed a fall or spring semester will need to be readmitted before registering for classes. Submit the application, Readmission, with a photo ID to the Registrar's Office.

Guest/non-degree seeking students register during the Open Enrollment period by submitting a Guest/Non-Degree Registration form and photo ID.

Graduate students should check with their Program Director/Advisor for detailed information about enrolling in courses. Many departments require students to meet with their Program Director/Advisor before the student’s account will be activated for enrollment. Each program of study handles registration differently.

Incoming/First Semester undergraduate students will be provided registration information through the Academic Advising Center and graduate students will work with their program directors. They can make changes to their schedules during the Open Enrollment period.

For Additional Registration Information, please review the information below. If needed, students can find their departments’ contact information online, in the campus directory.

Registrar Calendars

Current Course Schedules

Please login to your Gullnet, SelfService accounts to search and register for courses.

Archived Class Schedules

The list of courses (PDFs) below are not live and do not reflect actual course availability. To search for current, up-to-date courses click here: Search for Classes by Semester

From the start of your academic career at Salisbury University, you have a partner in your academic success. The Academic Advising Center is dedicated to teaching you how to figure out what you want from your degree and how to get there.

Undergraduate Students

Matriculated undergraduate students who do not enroll at the University during a regular fall or spring semester must apply for readmission through the Registrar's Office. Students who have been academically dismissed or judicially suspended may only apply for readmission once they have met the minimum criteria as outlined in the dismissal policy and/or their notice of suspension.

Students who have attended another regionally accredited institution since leaving Salisbury University must arrange to have their official transcripts sent to the Registrar's Office. Students may not enroll in courses or be readmitted without all official transcripts on file at SU.

Graduate Students

Matriculated graduate students must complete at least one graduate course at Salisbury University in a calendar year (including fall, winter, spring and summer semesters/terms) to maintain their admitted status. Students who fail to complete at least one graduate course at Salisbury University in a calendar year and wish to re-enter their graduate program must apply for readmission through the Registrar's Office. Students will need the signature of the Graduate Program Director on their application.

Students who have attended other regionally accredited institutions since leaving Salisbury University must arrange to have their official transcripts sent to the Registrar's Office prior to readmission.

General Information

Newly admitted students who withdraw prior to or during the first week of classes and want to return in a future semester must re-apply to the University through the Admissions Office.

Students that have earned a degree at Salisbury University and wish to start a new degree program must complete a new application through the Admissions Office.

Maryland residents who are applying for readmission and have not been attending the University for a calendar year must submit a Maryland Tuition Residency Form to be considered for in-state tuition. Questions regarding residency eligibility should be directed to the Tuition Residency Office.

Undergraduate students requesting on-campus housing should contact the Office Housing Office and Residential Life.

Students requesting financial aid should contact the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office.

Program Planning/Pre-Registration

Open Enrollment

Open enrollment starts after program planning and new student registration, in mid-July for fall registration and mid-January for spring registration at 12:01 a.m. via GullNet.

All students may register and change their schedules during this period.

Degree seeking students are encouraged to enroll in classes during Program Planning and not to wait for open enrollment as class availability is limited at this time.


Class prerequisites may be found in GullNet under the course description and in the catalog. Students should review and know all prerequisites before enrolling into a class. If students have questions about them, they should first talk with their advisor and then the class instructor if needed.

Successful registration of a course with a pre-requisite in Gullnet does not indicate that the student meets the course pre-requisite. Students may be dropped by the course instructor or department if they have not completed the appropriate course prerequisites prior to the start of the class.

Account Holds

Students with an account hold may be prevented from enrolling into courses. To see if you have a hold, click on your Student Center tile and then on Student Center. Check the hold menu on the right side of your Student Center. Below are potential holds that will prevent you from registering and the contact information for that department:

*ACA Academic Affairs Academic Affairs Office 410-543-6330
*ADM Admissions Hold Admissions Office 410-543-6161
*CAS Cashier's Hold Cashiers Office 410-543-6060
FIN Financial Aid Hold Financial Aid Office 410-543-6165
FSV Financial Services Hold Accounts Receivable Office 410-543-6079
*HS1 Health Services Hold Health Services 410-543-6262
HS2 Health Services Hold Health Services 410-543-6262
*PAR Parking Fine Hold Parking Services 410-543-6338
REC Records Hold Registrar's Office 410-543-6150
*REG Registrar Hold Registrar's Office 410-543-6150
*STU Student Affairs Hold Student Affairs 410-543-6080
VA Veteran Benefits Flag Registrar's Office 410-543-6150

Closed Classes

Each department handles requests to enroll in closed classes differently. Please contact the department of the class you wish to take for instructions. You can find their contact information online in the campus directory.

Enrollment Limits

Undergraduate Enrollment Limits

Semester Full Time Status Max Term Cr Hrs Max Session Cr Hrs
Fall/Spring 12 hrs 19 hrs Max Session Cr Hrs">9 hrs (7-week session)
Summer 12 hrs 16 hrs Max Session Cr Hrs">8 hrs (5-week session)
Winter NA 7 hrs Max Session Cr Hrs">NA

Undergraduate overload requests are submitted on the Request to Enroll in More Than a Normal Load form and are subject to approval from the Academic Advising Center.

Graduate Enrollment Limits

Semester Full Time Status Max Term Cr Hrs Max Session Cr Hrs
Fall/Spring 9 hrs, 6 hrs for Grad Assistants Check with Program Max Session Cr Hrs">Check with Program
Summer 6 hrs Check with Program Max Session Cr Hrs">Check with Program
Winter 6 hrs Check with Program Max Session Cr Hrs">NA

Graduate overload requests must be approved by the Program Director.

Dual enrollment is a program where a student takes courses at the collegiate level while still in high school and receives both college and high school credit simultaneously. All dual enrollment students are enrolled at Salisbury University as non-degree seeking students.

The Inter-Institutional Registration Program at Salisbury University is designed to foster an interchange of students between Salisbury University and the other University System of Maryland four-year schools. The grades and credits earned in applicable courses taken through inter-institutional registration will be considered as home credit and, therefore, will be included in the calculation of semester and cumulative totals on SU records. Interested students must have a combined semester course load enrollment at both institutions of at least 12 credits, and at least six of the credits must be taken at Salisbury University. Students pay full-time tuition and fees to their home school and may be assessed additional fees by the host institution. Students must follow the course withdrawal deadlines of the host institution. Special permits, parking and other fees at the host institution will be billed by the host institution and are the responsibility of the student electing to participate in the program. For additional information, contact the home school’s Registrar’s Office. Students wishing to participate in this program should complete an Inter-Institutional Registration form available from the Registrar’s Office forms page and have their advisor sign it. Enrollment is on a space-available basis. Students are expected to have met the prerequisites and other criteria set for screened or restricted programs of study.

First semester students complete a Registration Survey which your Academic Advisor uses to build your first semester class schedule. During the Open Enrollment Period, all students will have access to make changes to their class schedule in GullNet. It begins in mid-July for fall semester and mid-January for spring semester. Please review the Registrar’s Calendar for the specific dates.

High school junior and senior students who are at least 16 years or older by the beginning of the college semester may concurrently enroll at SU. Learn more on Salisbury University's Dual Enrollment website.

Please make sure to pay special attention to all payment deadlines (see below).

Billing payments can be made through GullNet. Please review the instructions online and contact the Cashier’s Office if you need assistance or have questions about the bill.

Adding a Class

  1. Log into GullNet. Click on the Student tab, the Enrollment tile and then choose Enrollment: Add Classes.
  2. Select the term and continue.
  3. Enter the four-digit class number if known, or click on Search to find the course.
  4. After selecting and adding a class to your shopping cart, click on Proceed to Step 2 of 3 to confirm and then finalize your enrollment. If you receive an error message, scroll to the bottom of your screen to view the message details.
  5. Please verify your enrollment in your Student Center in GullNet.
  6. If you have any questions about which courses to take, contact your advisor or the Academic Advising Center.
  7. If a class requires special permission, contact the department admin or chair.

You can find their contact information for all departments online at: Offices and Departments or Faculty & Staff Directory.

Dropping and Withdrawing from a Class

Classes can be dropped during the Drop/Add period for any term without penalty and the course will not appear on a transcript.

Classes dropped after the Drop/Add period and before mid-semester will appear on a student’s transcript with a grade of “W.” This grade indicates that the student attempted the class but withdrew from it. It will not affect the student’s GPA.

After midsemester, students can withdraw from the entire semester but not from an individual course through the second to last day of the semester. A grade of “WP” (withdraw while passing) or a “WF” (withdraw while failing) will be assigned for each course at the end of the semester. These grades do not affect the student’s GPA.

To drop or withdraw from individual classes, click on the Enrollment tile in GullNet and select Enrollment: Drop Classes. Make sure to finalize it and then verify the course was successfully dropped by viewing your class schedule Student Center in GullNet.

To drop or withdraw from all classes in a semester, click on the Enrollment tile in GullNet and select Withdraw from University to complete the form. You should receive an automated email confirming receipt of your request and a second email once it has been processed.

For specific deadlines, view the following calendars:

Contact Information