The most comprehensive and up-to-date optics resource available Prepared under the auspices of the Optical Society of America, the five carefully architected and cross-referenced volumes of the Handbook of Optics, Third Edition, contain everything a student, scientist, or engineer requires to actively work in the field. From the design of complex optical systems to world-class research and development methods, this definitive publication provides unparalleled access to the fundamentals of the discipline and its greatest minds. Individual chapters are written by the world's most renowned experts who explain, illustrate, and solve the entire field of optics. Each volume contains a complete chapter listing for the entire Handbook, extensive chapter glossaries, and a wealth of references. This pioneering work offers unprecedented coverage of optics data, techniques, and applications. Volume III, all in full color, covers vision and vision optics. Table of contents Vision Ch1. Optics of the Eye Ch2. Visual Performance by Wilson Geisler and Martin Banks Ch3. Psychophysical Methods by Dennis Pelli and Bart Farell Ch4. Visual Acuity and Hyperacuity by Gerald Westheimer Ch5. Optical Generation of the Visual Stimulus by Stephen A. Burns and Robert H. Webb Ch6. The Maxwellian View Combined with an Addendum on Apodization by Gerald Westheimer Ch7. Ocular Radiation Hazards by David Sliney Ch8. Biological Waveguides by Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan and Jay M. Enoch Ch9. The Problem of Correction for the Stiles-Crawford effect in Radiometry and Photometry by Jay M. Enoch and Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan Ch10. Colorimetry by David Brainard and Andrew Stockman Ch11. Color Vision by Andrew Stockman and David Brainard Ch12. Assessment of Refraction and Refractive Errors and Their Influence on Optical Design by Ralph Chou Ch13. Binocular Vision Factors That Influence Optical Design by Clifton Schor Ch14. Optics of Vision in the Aging Eye by John Werner and Brooke Schefrin Ch15. Adaptive Optics (AO) in Retinal Microscopy and Vision by Donald Miller and Austin Roorda Ch16. Refractive Surgery, Correction of Vision, PRK and LASIK by Harilaos and Luis Diaz-Santana Ch17. Corneal Confocal Imaging by Barry Masters Ch18. Diagnostic Use of Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) in the Eye by Johanes de Boer Ch19. Graded Index of Refraction (GRIN) Profiling of the Eye Lens by B. Pierscionek Ch20. Optics of Contact Lenses by E. Bennett Ch21. Inter-Ocular Lenses (IOL's), Accommodative and Multifocal IOL's by James Schweigerling Ch22. Displays for Vision Research by William Cowan Ch23. Visual Problems at Computers by Jeffrey Anshel and James Sheedy Ch24. Human Vision and Electronic Imaging by Bernice Rogowitz, T.N. Pappas, Jan P. Allerback Ch25. Visual Factors Associated with Head-Mounted Displays by Brian H. Tsou and Martin Shenker