Teachers don’t like zeros any more than students do, but there are no rules in B.C. public schools that would stop them from giving a goose egg to a student who deserved it. Unlike Edmonton teacher Lynden Dorval, who was fired Friday after he ignored a school policy against awarding zeros for incomplete assignments, B.C. teachers have professional autonomy and may mark students as they see fit, Susan Lambert, president of the B.C. Teachers’ Federation (BCTF), said in an interview.
Author of the article: Janet Steffenhagen Published Sep 16, 2012 • Last updated Sep 18, 2012 • 3 minute readYou can save this article by registering for free here. Or sign-in if you have an account.
Teachers don’t like zeros any more than students do, but there are no rules in B.C. public schools that would stop them from giving a goose egg to a student who deserved it.
Unlike Edmonton teacher Lynden Dorval, who was fired Friday after he ignored a school policy against awarding zeros for incomplete assignments, B.C. teachers have professional autonomy and may mark students as they see fit, Susan Lambert, president of the B.C. Teachers’ Federation (BCTF), said in an interview.
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Article contentDorval’s dismissal sparked a countrywide debate about student assessment and highlighted an issue that teachers have been discussing for years. Some say giving a zero is more about punishing a student for bad behaviour than grading his or her learning, but others insist a zero is the only mark possible when an assignment is ignored.
Lambert said she doesn’t like zeros personally because they don’t contribute to student learning, but sometimes there is no other choice. “Teachers need a range of options . (and they) need to have zeros available as a last resort.”
The education ministry advises it has had no conversations with B.C. school districts or educators about a no-zero approach. “That being said, a no-zero policy or policy of similar nature, would be developed and implemented by a school district, not by the Ministry of Education,” spokesman Matt Silver stated in an email.
Independent schools have more latitude than public schools to set their own rules. But Peter Froese, executive director of the Federation of Independent School Associations of B.C., said he made inquiries Monday and found no evidence of a ban on zeros in those schools either.
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Article content Advertisement 3 Story continues below This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. Article contentMichael Ewen, a Surrey public school teacher and a New Westminster school trustee, said he gives his students every opportunity to finish their assignments but he will give zeros when work is not done. “I do not deduct marks for late work, but I cannot mark what I do not get.”
The controversy points to a more pressing issue than whether teachers should give zeros, he said. The real question for him is when will schools ditch report cards in favour of continuous assessment that ensures students and their parents know exactly which lessons have been mastered and which ones still needs attention?
“When I give a zero for work not completed and handed in, despite all my efforts and interventions, it is my failure as an educator,” Ewen said. “Giving zeros is simply an admission that we, as teachers, were not successful within the constrained system as it now exists.”
A former school superintendent who now works as a consultant says no teacher who understands assessment and cares about students would give zeros. “Assessment is intended to provide students with feedback about what they know and what they do not yet know. Assessment is not about reward and punishment,” Bruce Beairsto wrote in a recent blog post for the Canadian Education Association. “You shouldn’t get marks for trying hard, or being a great person, or complying fully with your teacher’s expectations and you shouldn’t lose them for being offensive or absent or even lazy. You get marks for what you know, pure and simple.”
Advertisement 4 Story continues below This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. Article contentGiving zeros can have a devastating effect on averages, noted Shelley Green, president of the B.C. Principals’ and Vice-Principals’ Association. “There is a big difference between work habits and achievement. In many instances, giving a zero can be a reflection of work habits,” she noted.
Assessment practices vary across the country. In Ontario, new guidelines were introduced in 2010 to allow teachers to give students zeros when they fail to submit assignments, a practice that was previously discouraged in many schools. The Edmonton public school board said it does not have a no-zero policy and school principals are free to set their own rules in such matters.